Stoke Newington Garden
Garden Design
A couple wanted to transform part of the garden which was a very boring lawn into a dreamy, gentle and wildlife friendly place to sit away from the house where they could take a break from the stresses of the working day. They both work a lot from home. They wanted to use some plants they had kept in pots for years - 2 Acers and a dwarf plum tree. They wanted the planting to be loose, with soft textures and not too tidy!
We created a path leading to a bench set at an angle with views across the garden. A Cornus Kousa forms a focal point and hides the bench from being immediately seen and gives some privacy when sitting there. The planting is a mix of woodland perennials, small grasses and ferns and we planted the 2 Acers and dwarf plum tree which should thrive much better than being in pots. The garden has a lovely feel and now feels a much more restful and relaxing place to sit in. All the new planting provides much more for the local wildlife than the boring lawn and the client chose a small solar powered water feature which adds the sound of trickling water too.