Stoke Newington Garden
Planting design


To create a new planting scheme for the whole garden, keeping some of the existing mature shrubs and trees.  On the shady side, to have  plants with contrasting shaped leaves and textures. On the sunnier side, plants with soft textures to create a light, airy feel. To use a colour palette of lime green, purple, pink and white.

 To position an old water trough to create a still water feature surrounded by planting.

To give structure, small balls of Ilex crenata ‘Upright Caroline’ are planted on both sides of the garden. The key plants for the shady side are hellebores, ferns, bergenias and brunnera to provide contrasting leaf shapes and textures. On the sunnier side autumn moor grass , crimson-black leaved cow parsley, Sanguisorba ‘Tanna” and Thalictrum aquilegifolium give a light, soft feel to the scheme.

 The water trough sits surrounded by planting, provides a focal point and more importantly brings the relaxing element of water into the garden.

An irrigation system was also installed to allow for more efficient and easier watering.